Sunday, March 16, 2008

Yesterday's QUOTES ...

... the Stepfordization of Josh Marshall is nearing completion ...

Now I'm not an economist, I don't even play one on the internet, but it seems to me that Bear Stearns has just been helped to a hefty chunk of corporate welfare on the taxpayer's dollar (that's you) as reward for a whole slew of bad investments. Bad investments that were, according to Nobel winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, encouraged by the Bush administration in a vain attempt to keep the U.S. economy afloat on deficit spending while three trillion bucks was poured into the Iraqi sandpit. Where's the "credit card act" for these people?

... ... flexible lungs ... allow the gator to navigate by tipping its weight like a seesaw.

... But this campaign season has seen the end of the blogosphere as a credible alternative. It has seen some of the most popular supposedly liberal blogs and some of the most prominent supposedly liberal bloggers descend into the worst type of mendacious smear campaigns- against a fellow Democrat.

How can we expect reporters to cover it? They won't even GET AN EMAIL!

Outside of the Obama camp's continued obsession with Bill Clinton's sex life (which has always been a defining characteristic of depraved conservatives, GOPers and media talkingheads) there is the usual ultra-sexist crap in Thorne's email - i.e., casting Sen. Clinton in poor light for her husband's cheating (an altogether common behavior amongst fake progressives). Thorne's email also says - "Where was the judgement ....on whitewater?"

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