Thursday, March 13, 2008

Yesterday's QUOTES ...

This particular Times article (which only gets worse) underscores the disingenuous depths to which our paper of record is willing to sink. President Bush vetoes a bill intended to stop the CIA from using torture techniques, including waterboarding - which dates back to the Spanish Inquisition, was a favorite practice of the Gestapo, and for which the US tried and hanged Japanese soldiers after WWII - and The Times boils down the entire veto to politics and a factually inaccurate, Bush-approved narrative of his legacy. ... does anyone really consider the NY Times 'our paper of record' anymore? Or is it the irony that keeps them bringing up the distant past?

... And the only way journalists could make the Clinton response to the Muslim question newsworthy was to pretend that when Kroft pressed her, she essentially refused to answer the question and then when she finally did, qualified it with "as far as I know." Journalists had to hide the most pertinent parts of the answer -- the context -- in order to make the exchange newsworthy. And lots of reporters and pundits did just that.

[...] What's disturbing is that either all these journalists failed to read the entire transcript or watch the relevant video from the 60 Minutes interview and therefore were not informed about Clinton's response. Or worse, they knew about her entire response and purposefully left out key phrases in order to portray the candidate in the worst possible light.
... I know by now that most journalists are deceitful, corrupt, incompetent and/or lazy, but I really didn't think Bob Herbert was one of them. Another disappointment.

It's quite obvious that elected Democrats are the targets of the wholesale illegal wire tapping undertaken by BushCo's mafia ... And I am certainly not comfortable with the hysteria over two consenting adults having sex, while no one cares that the Bush administration lied us into an illegal war in which nearly a million Iraqis have been killed and tens of thousands of Americans have either been destroyed or killed. I am also not happy that the illegal domestic spying this administration has engaged in appears to have nothing to do with terrorism. I am not surprised by this, of course. What I am surprised by is that no one else seems to care that the White House is more interested in sex between consenting adults than in catching a terrorist.

The difference between the girls working at the Emperor's Club and the Washington press corps is that the Emperor's Club girls know exactly what kind of transaction they're making. That, plus the fact that the result of a prostitute's transaction has no victim, and the result of the press corps' has thousands upon thousands.

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