Saturday, March 8, 2008

New media in town ...

The Zonie Report.
As someone who blogs about politics, environment, the media and more, I wanted to invite you to check out a cool new website for Arizona news: The Zonie Report. It uses multimedia stuff like audio, video and photo slideshows to thoughtfully cover important issues around Arizona that newspapers are missing.
Check it out ...
I did check it out. I'm not sure what I think yet. It has white type on a black background, though not a favorite of mine for reading the news I assume the color scheme was chosen for effect. Navigation was cumbersome for me as I have my browser block flash animations and must click on each one.

Someone at the site has a blogger's sense of humor. In the section titled "State Courts" were the following two articles:
Vietnam Vet peeved over prosthetic penis
Hells Angels target NYC fashionistas
I began to wonder if I had landed at a satire site.

The main page flash animation led me to this article:
New pipeline holds key to Arizona's energy future
Transwestern acquires land to pipe natural gas from Rim Country to the Valley
There's an 'interactive' map with the article. I find it frustrating that I have to click each one of the items and read them separately and cannot link to them or find them in one place together. That doesn't mean I didn't appreciate the map, because I did. Perhaps the individual items were available on the next page but the 'PIPELINE, continued' link took me to 'SAN MANUEL, continued' instead.

I'll check it out again and see how it changes over time ...

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