Saturday, March 15, 2008

dailyKOS as partisan hacks ...

Really, I was used to dailyKOS presenting facts (and then explaining how they proved 'their' opinions). But since the site went 'obama' they now mainly spout opinion of how the other side is just sooo unfair while their side is pure as the driven snow.

Evidently it's so simply that a 6 year old knows the answer. It's unfair for Clinton to suggest that the Michigan primary was fair. But it appears to be the unanimous opinion of the dailyKOS that its more than fair to take both Michigan and Florida voters out of the primary process. That's fair because Iowa wanted and the DNC agreed that we all must bow down to Iowa being the decider of who we get to vote for. That's what passes for fair to the dailyKOS bunch because it works out best for Obama, not because it's fair. Even a 6 year old could figure that out if you gave her all the facts.

I'm not suggesting that if the reverse were not the case that Clinton wouldn't be just as unfair as Obama.

I am really sorry that dailyKOS went obama instead of just staying partisan Dems. It's a loss.

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