Sunday, March 30, 2008

One would suppose that self protection ...

... would be reason enough to work towards a just society with a fair and wide ranging distribution of resources:
Schizophrenia afflicts about 1% of the overall population, but a much higher proportion of homeless people and prison inmates.
By adding the stress of poor or no jobs as well as the lack of health care and other service for those in need we ensure that illness, both mental and physical, will afflict these groups at increasing levels and that those same people will be further punished for our failure, and in turn they will pay society back for their increasing hardships in crime and other forms of destruction.

This type of societal structure is as illogical and self-destructive as invading a sovereign country and then calling the citizens of that country insurgents when they fight back! (Or are we under some impression that we would not fight back if some foreign military power occupied the United States? I don't think so. Many of us can't even fathom nor accept that non-military individuals seeking survival attempt to enter unnoticed.)

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