This post by Krugman is particularly interesting, not so much for the purported subject, but for what it demonstrates about the two very different 'styles' of the two remaining Democratic candidates for President.
One reminds me of Bush and the other seems like someone I would like to work for OR have work for me.
Can you guess which is which?
Monday, March 31, 2008
Bird Pictures ...
Mostly grackles, except for the little sparrow, wren or finch or whatever it is ... Click on image for larger (and more complete) version:

Yesterday's QUOTES ...

[...] Be sure to appreciate the magnitude of the destruction involved: not only has the United States destroyed a nation and over a million human beings. As was true from the beginning, the U.S. is determined to destroy logic, morality, and your capacity to understand or make sense of anything at all: "The charges...were dismissed 'in order to continue to pursue the truth seeking process into the Haditha incident.'" ...
Black Super Delegates being threatened by Obama Supporters ...
“African-American superdelegates are being targeted, harassed and threatened,” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.), a superdelegate who has supported Clinton since August. Cleaver said black superdelegates are receiving “nasty letters, phone calls, threats they’ll get an opponent, being called an Uncle Tom. (via The Left Coaster)Obama needs to come out against this behavior NOW. Or we will have to assume that he is behind it and will do ANYthing to win; even act like a creepy, incompetent, bullying Republican attempting to destroy the Democratic Party.
This is like proposing that Obama should win the nomination BECAUSE he's black. Even I, who strongly believe in quotas to ensure the inclusion of individuals from groups that have been discriminated against into industry, schools and universities, find this repulsive and destructive. Obama needs to address this and stop his followers from using these tactics. This is BushCo/Rove tactics.
Read eriposte's full post. It's very disturbing.
I don't think Hillary Clinton has a RIGHT to the nomination. And if I didn't think she was qualified I wouldn't want her to get the nomination and even though she was not my first choice I DO think she is extremely qualified and would like to see her get elected President.
Neither does Obama have a RIGHT to the nomination. Being black is not a qualification. I don't know if he's qualified. His noise machine is always drowning out any substance before I ever get a chance to make up my mind about him.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
One would suppose that self protection ...
... would be reason enough to work towards a just society with a fair and wide ranging distribution of resources:
This type of societal structure is as illogical and self-destructive as invading a sovereign country and then calling the citizens of that country insurgents when they fight back! (Or are we under some impression that we would not fight back if some foreign military power occupied the United States? I don't think so. Many of us can't even fathom nor accept that non-military individuals seeking survival attempt to enter unnoticed.)
Schizophrenia afflicts about 1% of the overall population, but a much higher proportion of homeless people and prison inmates.By adding the stress of poor or no jobs as well as the lack of health care and other service for those in need we ensure that illness, both mental and physical, will afflict these groups at increasing levels and that those same people will be further punished for our failure, and in turn they will pay society back for their increasing hardships in crime and other forms of destruction.
This type of societal structure is as illogical and self-destructive as invading a sovereign country and then calling the citizens of that country insurgents when they fight back! (Or are we under some impression that we would not fight back if some foreign military power occupied the United States? I don't think so. Many of us can't even fathom nor accept that non-military individuals seeking survival attempt to enter unnoticed.)
Public Health and Welfare,
So McCain wants ...
... to continue sending our money down the drain in Iraq for the next 100 years give or take a few years and trillions of dollars? Is that so he, and those of similar moronic mindsets, can continue to ignore needs here at home? The National Academies' National Research Council (NRC) has a report on what is going to happen in parts of the US in the next 50 to 100 years. Perhaps we should be addressing some of these issues or will it be more fun to let our politicians, media and corporations play with weapon, war and genocide?
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on U.S. Transportation: Special Report 290
From Science Magazine: Roads, Ports, Rails Aren't Ready for Changing Climate, Says Report ... "Based on these levels, an untenable portion of the region's road, rail, and port network is at risk of permanent flooding," the federal report says. Hurricanes and the rising ocean are already destroying barrier islands, which blunt the coastal impact of incoming storms. ...
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on U.S. Transportation: Special Report 290
Scientist, look at yourself ...
Doctors have evolved from 'witch' doctor to worthy and well paid professionals to money grubbing entrepreneurs (with insurance companies mixed in).
Scientists have evolved from well off dabblers and the intellectually curious to sometimes well paid professionals to grubbing entrepreneurs and corporations.
Scientists have evolved from well off dabblers and the intellectually curious to sometimes well paid professionals to grubbing entrepreneurs and corporations.
MicroRNAs Make Big Impression in Disease After Disease
"Many microRNAs overlap among a number of cancers, which makes commercializing them less daunting. Recently, Asuragen closed on a second round of funding, garnering $18.5 million."
Public Health and Welfare,
Silly post ...
Given that we can't bring our collective selves (and governments) to address the environmental disaster staring us in the face, a 5000-year supply of copper should be a reason to set up copper digging competitions.
At current consumption rates, they estimate that there is about a 5000-year supply of copper remaining in the Earth.Then again, maybe copper producers will just use this estimate as a marketing gimmick to raise the price of copper.
-- Only 5,000 years left. Get your copper now. ---
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

I'm surprised the world hasn't already started to band together against us. More of Bush's evil 'luck' I suppose.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
One special QUOTE ...
I couldn't hide this gem in my usual 'quotes' postings:
We cannot forgive former governor Eliot Spitzer for wrecking his personal life; but we can forgive a president for wrecking his nation. Is there something wrong with this picture?
George Bush,
Governor Spitzer,
Why I hate politics ...
Mary at Pacific Views writes about Why I hate this primary campaign.
My disquiet --I don't really hate politics, after all life is politics-- is more all encompassing. A call from the Clinton campaign allowed me to vent my frustration about both campaigns --not that I expect my words to make any difference-- and I gave them some money. When a call came in from the Obama campaign I wanted to talk about the same thing. The Obama person on the phone didn't listen and, in fact, tried to talk over me with her prepared talking points. I hung up. And when the DNC calls I just tell them that I no longer give money to any organizations other than individual candidates campaigns.
Until the DNC even tries to fix this screwed up and undemocratic primary mishmash I will not give them any money. I resent the fact that all the candidates campaigning in the primary do not get voted on by all Democrats (and only Democrats). Keep all non-Democrats away from Democratic primaries.
There, I feel better.
Added: On second thought, I do hate that sleazy organized politics is part of life.
My disquiet --I don't really hate politics, after all life is politics-- is more all encompassing. A call from the Clinton campaign allowed me to vent my frustration about both campaigns --not that I expect my words to make any difference-- and I gave them some money. When a call came in from the Obama campaign I wanted to talk about the same thing. The Obama person on the phone didn't listen and, in fact, tried to talk over me with her prepared talking points. I hung up. And when the DNC calls I just tell them that I no longer give money to any organizations other than individual candidates campaigns.
Until the DNC even tries to fix this screwed up and undemocratic primary mishmash I will not give them any money. I resent the fact that all the candidates campaigning in the primary do not get voted on by all Democrats (and only Democrats). Keep all non-Democrats away from Democratic primaries.
There, I feel better.
Added: On second thought, I do hate that sleazy organized politics is part of life.
2008 Presidential Campaign,
Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton,
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

2008 Presidential Campaign,
Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton,
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

News and the Media,
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

Arizona power plants are getting dirtier rather than cleaner, at least when it comes to pollution tied to global warming, according to the nonprofit Environmental Integrity Project.
Arizona had one of the biggest one-year increases in greenhouse gas emissions from 2006 to 2007, the organization said Monday.The top 10 states in increases of carbon dioxide were Arizona, Georgia, Texas, California, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Virginia and North Carolina.

... Obama partisan Kos of dailyKos praised an arbitrary assignment of votes to Florida voters. Of course, by now it's clear, fairness only applies to what Kos wants. The rest of us voters don't count. Sounds very Republican to me ...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
We need to be able to talk about race ...
Steve Soto writes:
On the other hand I think we, as a nation, need to be able to talk about race. It's impossible to have a conversation about race in this country (just like it's impossible to have a conversation about Israel).
Obama's speech on race was exceptional, needed and hopefully, will not be the last such 'conversation.'
... I flatly resent the need for Obama to give a speech on race and politics today.I agree with him that this is another act of discrimination (against Dems in particular, not just blacks) by the press.
On the other hand I think we, as a nation, need to be able to talk about race. It's impossible to have a conversation about race in this country (just like it's impossible to have a conversation about Israel).
Obama's speech on race was exceptional, needed and hopefully, will not be the last such 'conversation.'
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

... she [Clinton] doesn't deserve "fairness" on this site [dailyKos] ... ... a lot like with Republicans; we're not supposed to believe our lying eyes as they accuse the Clinton camp of doing what the Obama camp (and the dailyKos crowd) are doing themselves.

Things fall apart, and the center doesn’t exist.
... ah, nothing plus nothing produces books about nothing:

The Western US may be the only place in the world where the connection between trees – or more precisely upland forests – and water supply is not recognized. ...

Solzhenitsyn did speak frankly, and now from our vantage years later we can fully appreciate his powers of observation. He said, for one thing: A decline “in political courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West today. The Western world has lost its civic courage, both as a whole and separately, in each country, in each government, in each political party . . .”

Medical Profession,
Monday, March 17, 2008
Yesterday's freak snow storm caused collisions and 20-mile road shut down ...
Interstate 40 re-opened around 5 a.m. Monday after at least two people were killed Sunday afternoon in a series of collisions that involved as many as 140 vehicles and shut down a 20-mile stretch of the freeway west of Flagstaff.The above was in Northern Arizona, where they would be more used to driving in snow than those of us down here in low desert areas.
We must SAVE the Free Market with taxpayer money ...
NOW they tell us why it's called a Free Market. They are not responsible for THEIR mistakes, but not only are we, the citizens, responsible for our mistakes, we are also totally responsible for whatever disasters or just plain bad luck we run into.
Let me just ask. I'm sure somebody out there has the answer. After all, they had reasons why Katrina victims deserved to drown and die, be forced from their homes and screwed by their insurance companies and disregarded by their country. They had reasons why uninsured children didn't deserve health care, why those who died from a lack of medical attention only got what they had coming. They had reasons why the people who came to emergency rooms were just looking for drugs, they had reasons why thieves got rich and saints got shot, they had all kinds of explanations for everything that looked to everybody else like a fucking problem we needed somebody to solve. (via The Sideshow)And Steve Soto writes so sanely about the same topic: Chasing Wealth, Not Jobs. Why not Steve Soto for President. But like Gore, Clinton and many others, he's too smart and rational for the press (and probably even the crowd at dailyKOS) to be objective, truthful or actually informative; you know doing that journalist thing journalists are supposedly supposed to do?
Bailout of the Rich,
Federal Government,
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

2008 Presidential Campaign,
Barack Obama,
Saturday, March 15, 2008
dailyKOS as partisan hacks ...
Really, I was used to dailyKOS presenting facts (and then explaining how they proved 'their' opinions). But since the site went 'obama' they now mainly spout opinion of how the other side is just sooo unfair while their side is pure as the driven snow.
Evidently it's so simply that a 6 year old knows the answer. It's unfair for Clinton to suggest that the Michigan primary was fair. But it appears to be the unanimous opinion of the dailyKOS that its more than fair to take both Michigan and Florida voters out of the primary process. That's fair because Iowa wanted and the DNC agreed that we all must bow down to Iowa being the decider of who we get to vote for. That's what passes for fair to the dailyKOS bunch because it works out best for Obama, not because it's fair. Even a 6 year old could figure that out if you gave her all the facts.
I'm not suggesting that if the reverse were not the case that Clinton wouldn't be just as unfair as Obama.
I am really sorry that dailyKOS went obama instead of just staying partisan Dems. It's a loss.
Evidently it's so simply that a 6 year old knows the answer. It's unfair for Clinton to suggest that the Michigan primary was fair. But it appears to be the unanimous opinion of the dailyKOS that its more than fair to take both Michigan and Florida voters out of the primary process. That's fair because Iowa wanted and the DNC agreed that we all must bow down to Iowa being the decider of who we get to vote for. That's what passes for fair to the dailyKOS bunch because it works out best for Obama, not because it's fair. Even a 6 year old could figure that out if you gave her all the facts.
I'm not suggesting that if the reverse were not the case that Clinton wouldn't be just as unfair as Obama.
I am really sorry that dailyKOS went obama instead of just staying partisan Dems. It's a loss.
2008 Presidential Campaign,
Barack Obama,
Friday, March 14, 2008
Sorry, but this is sounding a lot more like Bush & Gore ...
What the DNC and the Obama campaign are trying to do is disenfranchise Florida and Michigan primary voters.
I do not assume that Clinton wouldn't try the same. However it is NOT Clinton but Obama and the DNC, this time, who are pushing a corrupt deal.
Just explain to me how all this is not just what those Supreme Court Jesters did when they selected Bush as President ignoring the votes of the citizens of the Unites States.
I do not assume that Clinton wouldn't try the same. However it is NOT Clinton but Obama and the DNC, this time, who are pushing a corrupt deal.
Just explain to me how all this is not just what those Supreme Court Jesters did when they selected Bush as President ignoring the votes of the citizens of the Unites States.
2008 Presidential Campaign,
Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

[...] What's disturbing is that either all these journalists failed to read the entire transcript or watch the relevant video from the 60 Minutes interview and therefore were not informed about Clinton's response. Or worse, they knew about her entire response and purposefully left out key phrases in order to portray the candidate in the worst possible light. ... I know by now that most journalists are deceitful, corrupt, incompetent and/or lazy, but I really didn't think Bob Herbert was one of them. Another disappointment.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

And Obama's supporters, yes, you too are incredibly annoying, with your accusations of Clintonian Republicanism and your whiny little cries about how you're going to take your ball and run home if your candidate doesn't win the primary.

Monday, March 10, 2008
An old high school photo and a couple not so old ...
I've been 'rummaging' though old images, photos, scans and other stuff stored on CD's ...
This was one of my favorite pictures in high school, taken in 1957 at the base of the Spruce Mountain Lookout Tower (Prescott, Arizona).
And here's two photos taken in Sedona Arizona (from 2003) that caught my eye.
[Click on image for larger version of photo.]

This was one of my favorite pictures in high school, taken in 1957 at the base of the Spruce Mountain Lookout Tower (Prescott, Arizona).

And here's two photos taken in Sedona Arizona (from 2003) that caught my eye.
[Click on image for larger version of photo.]

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