Monday, June 30, 2008

Well, it's almost over ...

Obama has morphed into one of those craven and cowardly Dems who cringe, deny everything and leave the few courageous Dems still around out to dry.

Barack Obama, who so courageously attacked Hillary Clinton (with the help of the press) has turned into wet spaghetti now that the press is on the other side.

Obama has decided that John McCain's war experience qualifies McCain to be President of the U.S. That's interesting, because BushCo and Rove didn't think so way back when ...

And in the process of pushing McCain for President, Obama pulled the rug out from under Wes Clark. What happened to that vaunted Obama machine, now that the press is no longer running interference?

I know the conventional Democratic wisdom, which is undoubtedly media inspired, is that even flawed as he is, Obama is better the McCain. I buy into it one day, and not the next. I'll undoubtedly vote for Obama, but I see no hope in an Obama Presidency. Either McCain or Obama mean a further decline of the United States into a corporation controlled state with increasing poverty, unfairness and unrest.

Really, Obama sounds more Republican, more like Bush daily. I'm afraid Obama really does have the Dems living on hope and hope alone as he shifts further and further right. He even has Olbermann inventing strategy for him.

Progressives do not have a party. The Democratic Party in the guise of Barack Obama does NOT want to be bothered by progressives. Obama has made it very clear he is not interested in hearing from us. He'll take money but no input. We do not count.

The only hope you have with Obama is that you may get your reward in Heaven. Obama has given every indication that it will be business as usual if he's elected. Social Security, Healthcare. Forget it. He's not interested.

He's not a doddering old fool. He's a young power seeking politician who will vote against the Constitution if he thinks it increases his chances of winning. Or perhaps he voted against the Constitution and for spying on Americans because he believes in doing just that. Either way, it ain't good.

Links: Wesley Clark on Face the Nation: CNN accuses Clark of “Swiftboating” , Don't Want to Say I Told You So..., Where's the Change?

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