Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Steny Hoyer changes his lies ...

Lying then and lying now. One set of lies didn't work, so he tries another.
Plainly, Hoyer -- who spent the last week emphatically (and falsely) denying he had negotiated a bill with telecom amnesty -- engineered this bill because he wanted to, and as was indicated here yesterday, now that negotiations are complete and this campaign against him has begun, he's trying to distance himself from it and pretend that it wasn't his doing.
Notice that Pelosi is doing nothing to keep a FISA capitulation from happening. She's just keeping her distance so she can claim it wasn't her fault. By doing nothing she's making it clear she also wants to continue the Republican agenda. She's the leader. She can't claim she has no power to stop this. If she's really that powerless then she should be replaced.

Hold these elected officials accountable for the actions.

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