Monday, June 30, 2008

Obviously, sending 88% of the male population of the US to Guantanamo would go a long way toward solving our violence problem ...

According to the Department of Justice, 88% of violent crime in the U.S. is committed by men. But as a society, we rarely talk about the prevalence of male violence, or how striking it is that gender, more than any other factor, is such a predictor of violent behavior.
No need to worry about 2nd Amendment rights and such. Bush has already (and Obama concurs) eliminated the rest of our rights. So let's just ship off the violent ones (don't forget serial-torturer George Bush and Face-Shooter Cheney) to Guantanamo. George Bush has made sure it's nice and cozy. It should suit him and his friends just fine.

By eliminating the 88% most violent portion of the population the US should turn into quite a peaceful place. More jobs to go around. More elbow room.

Solves a lot of problems. Just like Bush-baby. Identify the problem. Build a jail and send whoever you don't like there. Very American, I must say.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it ...

[NOTE: Just practicing good standard US 'journalism' in moving from 88% of violent crimes to 88% of the male population. Much more eye catching that way, if not more informative.]

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