Friday, June 20, 2008

Now digby doesn't write many stupid things, but ...

... I think this may qualify (or maybe I'm reading too much of Arthur Silber).
He [Obama] does say that if he wins, he promises not to abuse the power it gives him, so I guess we should feel good about that.
Really? He won't use it. And he didn't even swear an oath to that! But he did swear an oath to uphold the Constitution. And he's breaking that one. So we should feel good about his promises but he can break all the oaths he wants to?

Then she says in the next paragraph that he had to have been a party to this in the first place. But he won't use the power. Right!

What gets me is why would the Republicans want this much power in the hands of the President when they don't know who that will be?

It's really difficult for intelligent, informed loyal Democrats at this point. Obama is expecting you to fall in line like any good Republican would ...

We already know that Obama doesn't respect the blogosphere. He wants this entity to shut up. He, and the Republicans, can't control it. I suggest, given the manner in which the House was subverted by a Democratic majority, that both Democrats and Republicans will soon start looking to shut down online freedom. That could happen quite speedily if they employ the GOP rule book like they did for FISA.

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