Saturday, July 26, 2008

Is McClatchy implying inconsistency?

Obama's foreign policy: moderation, not change by Warren P. Strobel and Margaret Talev
WASHINGTON — Barack Obama has presented himself to American voters as the candidate of change, but on a weeklong foreign trip that ends Saturday he sounded more like a traditionalist when it comes to foreign policy.
The implication in the title and the 1st paragraph of this article would seem to imply that Obama is being inconsistent in his call for change. After all a change from Bush and the way that 'Washington' works could never go along with a 'traditional' foreign policy where the President of the US actually talks to other heads of state like one adult to another. And doing so wouldn't be a 'change,' would it, from the Khrushchev-like spoiled brat that currently resides in the White House?

Obama may be inconsistent, may change his mind, or may lie like any other politician (or human being for that matter). But no need to invent such events. McClatchy usually does better than this. This is not reporting but a negative editorial masquerading as news. Will have to watch out for Warren P. Strobel and Margaret Talev in the future ...

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