Thursday, July 24, 2008

Does anyone really believe ...

Does anyone really believe ...
... that the those who hold corporate and political power in the U.S. actually believe in those 'free markets' they tout so repetitively?
Free Market definition: an economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.
Those who hold corporate power believe in a market where they control the rules which change (or can be ignored) as needed to ensure their continued ascendency. And apparently the vast majority of our elected politicians and political appointees either agree or have been effectively neutralized. Greed and power are the characteristics of this environment. The health of our society has no importance. The welfare of our citizens has no importance.

Does anyone really believe ...
... that insurance is the proper approach to providing health care for all of us?
Healthcare definition: the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health, esp. through the provision of medical services
Insurances definition:
1) a practice or arrangement by which a company or government agency provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a premium : many new borrowers take out insurance against unemployment or sickness.
  • the business of providing such an arrangement : Howard is in insurance.
  • money paid for this : my insurance has gone up.
  • money paid out as compensation under such an arrangement : when will I be able to collect the insurance?
  • an insurance policy.
2) a thing providing protection against a possible eventuality : seeking closer ties with other oil-supplying nations as insurance against disruption of Middle East supplies | young people are not an insurance against loneliness in old age.
Does anyone really believe ...
... that insurance companies which were designed to provide a hedge against a 'possible eventuality' in an economic system based on greed and control where denying service is a sign of success will ever be able to provide acceptable healthcare? The requirement for healthcare is not a 'possible' eventuality, but instead an eventuality that everyone will eventually, is not sooner, require.

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