Thursday, September 20, 2007

I am not a Democrat ...

I am not a Democrat ... and I'm not going to bother signing some form so officialdom can identify me as an independent .

The Democrats who are in the majority (slight though it may be) have given the Senate to the Republicans. How are these people any different than collaborators in war zones? What do they think they are doing and why? Are they being threatened? Are they trying to save their families from Bush.

Goodness, they don't even need threats to cave! Or has Bush threatened to blow up major cities, American cities that is, and the Republican mafia is backing him? .... mmmm, after years of BushWorld this is actually horribly possible.

Read about the Democratic Senators' perfidy here: The Filibuster: now painless and more convenient than ever! by Kagro X

ADDED: Sen. Reid: Do Your Job And Make Them Stand And Filibuster by Christy Hardin Smith

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