Blackwater guards killed 16 as U.S. touted progress by Leila FadelSince Americans are, or at least the Senate and House still are, so into fear that they will agree to anything as long as that embarrassment in the White House says he will 'protect' them, just imagine Blackwater patrolling your streets during some national disaster or because Bush has decided he doesn't like your city, or to discourage you from voting in the 2008 election, or for any reason whatever. Or Blackwater in Washington DC's streets as a warning to Democrats to be good little rubberstampers like the Republicans.
Hillary said months ago that she would support legislation to rescind the 2002 AUMF, and yet she voted for this today, giving this administration what they wanted. Can someone explain to me how Hillary can come out just last week against further funding for the Iraq war, and then today vote in favor of military action if necessary against Iran? What was new in Ahmadinejad’s appearances and comments over the last two days to convince Hillary that Iran was suddenly a threat that required such a vote, especially after al-Maliki said yesterday that Iran’s threat to Iraq was overstated?
Snapshot: The Death of American News by Kagro XPlease read all the way to the end. What to say ...
... Last week, when the Phoenix City Council passed an ordinance banning texting while driving, the Arizona cell phone industry promptly countered by announcing its intent to write a proposed state law that would ban all activities that could be considered "distracted driving."
A senior administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity as a matter of policy, said Mukasey met individually with six representatives from conservative organizations on Sunday in an effort to answer their questions.What's a little issue of perpetual imprisonment at the hands of the president ...
"He's perceived as a lawyer's lawyer — someone who is smart and fair," said Sale, who worked alongside Mukasey as an assistant U.S. attorney in New York. "People will have to really strain to find anything negative about him."Right, negatives are only for Democrats anyway.
"I see somebody who falls over himself to justify some of the worst practices that the administration has carried out," Kadidal said.
We should know by now that we go to DC with the Democrats we have, not the ones we wish we had.
And we should definitely know that cleaning up DC and getting a stronger and fearless Democratic Party is (and always has been) a long-term project -- decades long.
But damn, it would be nice if our current bunch were a little less useless.
The group that licenses DVD security software cleared the way Thursday for movies bought over the Internet to be burned onto a DVD that can play on any machine -- a move that could dramatically change the way movies are sold.The bad news:
Consumers must still buy special DVDs equipped with the new software's digital lock, known as the ''content scrambling system,'' or CSS.
Presumably, those discs will be more expensive because of license fees that need to be paid to companies that developed the technology.
Bolten quietly orchestrates change in White House by William Douglas, McClatchy NewspapersSeems Joshua B. Bolten as White House Chief of Staff is just working wonders ... Haven't you noticed? He's been chief of staff since March of 2006, over a year and a half.
- He plays the 'bass-guitar,' gee, how human.
- "Several Democratic lawmakers praised Bolten this week for helping to find pragmatic outsider Michael Mukasey to replace Bush's longtime inner-circle friend Alberto Gonzales as attorney general ..."
- He's "exercising pragmatic conservatism ..." Is that anything like 'compassionate' conservatism?
- "There is a sense that compromise is no longer a four-letter word as long as the president can adhere to his fundamental principles." Believe that? After 7 years? And just what are those fundamental principles? War? Shock and awe? Torture. Corruption? Lying? But it sounds good and no one is as gullible as a Democratic Congresscritter ...
- " ... administration friends and foes alike say they see positive change in the White House, thanks largely to its low-profile chief of staff." Ha, ha ...
The article goes on and on ... One gem is that Tony Snow is one of Bolten's admirers and "said Bolten is a master recruiter who's able to persuade talented people to quit their jobs and join an unpopular administration." Intellectual giant Snow was a victim of Bolton's reverse psychology!
- Oh, my, and he got rid of Rove, too?: "He has gotten rid of some of the problems," Panetta said. "Moving Karl out, Gonzales leaving — I suspect the chief of staff had some impact on that, cleaning out the lightning rods." Believe it or not ...
Several Democratic lawmakers praised Bolten this week for helping to find pragmatic outsider Michael Mukasey to replace Bush's longtime inner-circle friend Alberto Gonzales as attorney general — and thus avoiding the fierce Senate confirmation fight that was expected if Bush had chosen another loyalist or ideologue.Here they are being set up again. But they are happy. Somehow Michael Mukasey has been defined as NOT a loyalist or ideologue. Voilà , he's the perfect man to run the US Attorney General's Office.
Customers expect some companies to lie to them. Very few people expect cosmetics and skin creams to actually make them look 20 years younger. Likewise, few would be surprised if the salads at fast-food restaurants are actually full of calories and fat. However, when a bank tells its customers that its online banking system is safe and secure, most people would be shocked to find out otherwise. Thus, a major question remains: Is Bank of America lying to its customers when it tells them that they can be "certain (they're) at the valid Online Banking Web site" when they see the SiteKey image? Do banks have a responsibility to acknowledge the risks, and to inform consumers of them?ADDED 09/22/07: Who's carrying this risk? The bank or the customer? That is will the bank be responsible and make good any loss to the customer?
"General Petraeus or General Betray Us? Cooking the books for the White House."
... the most telling decision for liberals and conservatives alike is his ruling in the Jose Padilla case, where he found that the U.S. could detain Padilla indefinitely without charges (eventually reversed on appeal) ...Appears Congressional Dems are so relieved to get an unAmerican Constitutional ignoramus who believes in indefinite imprisonment without trial.
European Stocks Drop; Northern Rock, Deutsche Bank Lead Decline by Marco BertaccheSept. 14 (Bloomberg) -- European stocks fell the most in a week after Northern Rock Plc said the Bank of England agreed to provide emergency funds to ease a ``severe liquidity squeeze.''
From last month (via The Left Coaster)
Fed bends rules to help two big banks by Peter Eavi, August 24 2007
If the Federal Reserve is waiving a fundamental principle in banking regulation, the credit crunch must still be sapping the strength of America's biggest banks. Fortune's Peter Eavis documents an unusual Fed move.
NEW YORK (Fortune) -- In a clear sign that the credit crunch is still affecting the nation's largest financial institutions, the Federal Reserve agreed this week to bend key banking regulations to help out Citigroup (Charts, Fortune 500) and Bank of America (Charts, Fortune 500), according to documents posted Friday on the Fed's web site.
Statisticians boost effort to block children's health-insurance expansion by Tony PughSince a number of newly eligible children might already have what we have come to know as crappy health insurance and their parents may give up said policies (reluctantly, I'm sure) for better and cheaper coverage, well you know the rest ... those poor downtrodden powerless corporations may loose another victim to refuse care to.
In its effort to stop Congress from expanding a public health-insurance program for low-income children, the Bush administration has hit on a compelling argument: the obscure but inevitable phenomenon known as "crowd out.""Crowd out" happens when parents drop their children's private health insurance to enroll them in cheaper, taxpayer-funded coverage through the State Children's Health Insurance Program. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that for every 100 kids who enroll in the popular program now, 25 to 50 were previously covered in the private market.
Jonathan Gruber, an economics professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has studied crowd out extensively and likens it to snaring dolphins by mistake in a tuna net.So the uninsured children are tuna? And those caught up in corporate insurance 'health scams' are dolphins?
"It's become clear in the last few years that right wingers are psychologically unfit to lead the nation. Vast numbers of them are "conservative" not due to philosophy but to cover up for serious personal issues with sexuality, masculinity, oedipal complexes and worse. In fact, it's so pervasive that one must now assume that conservative political leaders are driven by a complicated desire to compensate for psychological problems rather than the usual political mix of ambition, ego and drive to power. There are just too many examples of disturbed, neurotic, secretive GOP hypocrites out there. It's a feature not a bug."
"What jumped out at me was the fact that this one system has been responsible for half of the gains in health care quality in the United States coming from the use of information technology! This truly is an astonishing statistic. Making the information technology systems work for the people who actually use them to do what they need to do for the patient (or their client), rather than using it to squeeze the most productivity without regard to the people in the equation, works better for everyone involved. Imagine that!"
Gov’t Didn’t Act After E. Coli Outbreak
But does Thompson, 61, want to give up his well-paying job as general counsel at PepsiCo to run a department torn asunder by partisan politics?Even after all this time 99% of those who appear to consider themselves as journalists and/or reporters do not address the underlying issue. By now no one with a shred of integrity would even consider working for this administration. If such a person has any integrity going in, they will have none going out.
Your Mother's Calling, Chuck by Steve SotoHaven't we been just so rationally mad while our country is destroyed outright by Republicans and sold out by Democrats.
Strange picture, isn’t it? I found it in the files of the Bisbee Mining and Historical Museum Library. This bombed-out car marks the first aerial bombing on U.S. soil by a foreign power – 72 years before the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.72 years later: We remember and we mourn by wiscmass
Read the entire post.
No matter what Army Gen. David Petraeus tells Congress about the surge in Iraq on Monday, the course for U.S. troops there is already set: Next April, the 30,000 troops who were added this year will begin coming home.As if they care? No one in power has paid more than timid lip service to the realities of what the United States is doing to itself and others. Why start now? Geez ...
...U.S. military officials are assuming that the buildup of 30,000 additional American troops will continue until April, although a senior military official told McClatchy Newspapers that they may redeploy a brigade ...
By the end of March, however, Pentagon officials said, deployment schedules will force a reduction and the five brigades added for the surge will begin leaving, one month at a time.
Pentagon planners say they can't maintain the surge beyond that without extending deployments beyond the current 15 months, and the nation's top military leaders have said they can't do that with inflicting significant damage on the Army and the Marine Corps.
In the House of Representatives, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is considering putting up a measure for a vote that would require military planning for a withdrawal. The House also might take up a measure similar to the Webb amendment on longer rest time.... or they might do nothing just like the Senate, more likely.
Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., said Congress had put off a real discussion of what was right for national security, waiting for the Petraeus and Crocker reports. Now, he said, debate must begin on a strategy that will be sustainable and that fits with other national security interests.That's right, they waited months and months for 'a report' and 'a visit' from Petraeus and now they must strategize on what they will wait for next.
The Justice Department said imposing a Net neutrality regulation could hamper development of the Internet and prevent service providers from upgrading or expanding their networks. It could also shift the ''entire burden of implementing costly network expansions and improvements onto consumers,'' the agency said in its filing.I think they have it backwards and I assume they know it. Lying as usual this administration is doing whatever it can to lock down the internet. If the Democrats in Congress don't come through then the 'free-wheeling' web will come under corporate control in no time.
Researchers at Harvard University have made several small mechanical devices powered by heart muscle harvested from rats. The mechanical devices include pumps, a device that "walks," and one that swims. [...] In one example, Feinberg made a rectangular strip of plastic that curls up on itself, with the diameter of the resulting tube decreasing, then increasing again, as the muscle repeatedly contracts and relaxes. The researchers say that the device could serve as a pump. Another strip of plastic opens and closes like a pair of pinchers at a rate determined by electrical signals sent to the device. A curled triangular piece of plastic walks across the bottom of a petri dish as muscle tissue repeatedly contracts, and another triangular sheet, with a different arrangement of heart-muscle cells, mimics the movement of a fish's tail to swim through a solution.For now "the beating muscles only survive for a few weeks."
... future designs could mimic natural heart tissue in more detail to extend longevity. For example, the researchers may also try constructing a three-dimensional tissue, rather than the flat arrangement they have now. Previous experiments have suggested that three-dimensional structures may be key to the survival of the cells.NOTE: I'm not really suggesting that the human race will have a future like that portrayed in Battlestar Galactica. I have my doubts that we are rational enough to survive our own intransigence and will annihilate ourselves long before we can travel among the stars. Sad thoughts, indeed ...
They were UA roommates, but what led to murder?
Roommate held in UA slaying
Slain UA freshman: good student, 'nice' person by David Teibel, Sheryl Kornman
Police: Slain student, roommate had disputes by Blake Morlock
So how big a disaster would such an attack turn out to be for this country? My guess, based on reading what a variety of experts have to say, is that the initial attack would likely be very successful, devastating Iran’s military assets. Our pilots would probably very quickly gain complete air dominance, free to bomb at will and greatly restricting Iran’s ability to strike back directly.Who knows? Maybe we’d be honored with another “Mission Accomplished” moment (perhaps Bush could parachute in this time).
But soon enough, just like in Iraq — only worse — everything would go to hell. Contrary to the neoconservative’s dreams, the Islamic extremists in charge wouldn’t be overthrown — they’d be strengthened due to outrage against the United States. Attacks would increase against our troops in Iraq; Afghanistan would likely fall into complete anarchy. Terrorist attacks against US interests would increase across the globe. Meanwhile, oil prices would go through the ceiling, with the global economy taking a nosedive.
We've already seen that the Republicans enthusiastically and the Democrats with barely a foot dragging will follow the moron and the insane (Bush and Cheney) any where. Will the US Military also ride, fly and sail over the edge of sanity, humanity and rationality with the cartoon-like duo that is 'leading' the U.S. to its destruction?
Were the Democrats in Congress our last hope? If so, they have failed us. What are our options now?