Friday, December 7, 2007

Don't blame the Arizona Daily Star ...

... for the abysmal writing in this article:
Senate votes to block tax increase for millions by Jim Abrams, The Associated Press.
The Star just copied it from the AP. Perhaps the writer grew up writing about ping-pong tournaments.
House Democratic leaders throughout the day Thursday reaffirmed their commitment to PayGo.
Oh, gee, a play by play. So interesting. Who cares about issues. Just tell me the Democrats (and then quote one or two) said this and the Republicans said that and then repeat, repeat.

Jim Abrams, listed as the writer of this piece, is another one who doesn't understand the difference between a majority vote and the 60 votes needed to stop a filibuster.
Earlier Thursday, Senate Republicans united in stopping the Senate from moving to the House-passed bill. The vote was 48-46 against beginning debate on the House bill, 14 short of the 60 needed.

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