I really do hope the
implications that TPM draws from Waxman's win is accurate. Congress and the rest of them, including Obama, are so entrenched in their own privilege that sometimes they don't seem to recognize 'change' when it bumps them on the nose.
LIEberman and FISA lies are a lot to overcome.
Today's QUOTES:
| | One of the things I always find most amazing about conservatives is their propensity to greet any defeat with total defiance and inverse reasoning. ...
--Amity Village Horror by digby, Hullabaloo
We haven't just imprisoned people with no evidence in cages for years. We've kept them encaged under often brutal and extreme conditions, many in unbroken solitary confinement for years. Today, a federal court ruled that for 5 of these men, there is no credible evidence that they did anything wrong, and if most of our political class -- which supported the Military Commissions Act-- had its way, they wouldn't have even had this hearing at all.
--Five detainees ordered released "forthwith" after seven years at Guantanamo by Glenn Greenwald, salon.com
[Ed. Another point that isn't always spoken, is that even if these men were guilty of terrible crimes, and I assume some of them were, even the worst of the guilty should not have been treated in this manner by the United States. We should not have stood for it. They should have had real and fair trials. They should not have been tortured.
As Greenwald points out, our politicians are still behind these crimes, our crimes, our crimes of locking up and torturing the innocent along with guilty as if it were of no consequence at all.]
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