Thursday, November 6, 2008

Intimidation vs lobbying ...

I wonder if intimidate is a direct quote of what Joe Trippi said or if it was McClatchy's Frank Greve who selected the word intimidate over the word lobby? Wonder if Grevie would suggest that corporate lobbyists throwing around lots of money are trying to intimidate Congress?

Joe Trippi, the Internet politics guru whose computer geeks made Howard Dean a contender in 2004 and who went on to design Obama's socially networked campaign machine, offers a provocative and educated guess.

Trippi predicted that Obama would use his forces, first and foremost, to intimidate congressional foes of his agenda, rally his allies and forge "one of the most powerful presidencies in American history."

Money lobbies. Masses of voters intimidate.

Intimidate: frighten, menace, terrify, scare, terrorize, cow, dragoon, subdue; threaten, browbeat, bully, pressure, harass, harry, hassle, hound, torment, tyrannize, persecute; informal lean on, push around, bulldoze, railroad, twist someone's arm, strong-arm.

Lobby: 1) seek to influence, try to persuade, bring pressure to bear on, importune, sway; petition, solicit, appeal to, pressurize. And 2) campaign for, crusade for, press for, push for, ask for, call for, demand; promote, advocate, champion.

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