Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I like this one ... on the ongoing ideology vs pragmatism debate ...

Thinking Without Ideology Is Like Breathing Without Lungs by Ian Welsh, firedoglake.com

Today's QUOTES:

I'm listening to interviews like this and wondering where the people are on Obama's economic team who have any sense of what workers and blue collar people are experiencing in this economy right now. Now that we've bailed out the people responsible for this mess, shouldn't we start thinking of those who had no hand in its creation, but are hit the worst? Because this real cool future where we make only iPods or something, only better, doesn't seem to include them.
--Google’s Eric Schmidt And A Brave New World by Jane Hamsher, firedoglake.com
... Oddly, that praise is pouring forth despite what many economic experts say is the role -- perhaps critical roles -- that each of them played in enabling this crisis in the first place.
--Widespread praise for Obama's new economic team by Glenn Greenwald, salon.com

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