Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yesterdays' QUOTES ...

About Palin: So you may not agree with Davey, but I think he makes an apt point in suggesting that her over-feminization and over-sexualization is to attract [] men, not women. I think this is plausible because the Republican party does not care about women and their choices. Furthermore, as Courtney discussed here, Palin is the type of woman that is acceptable to patriarchy and if anything reifies masculinity. Furthermore, as many feminists have discussed, I also think this is one example of how sexism is working in Palin's favor.

... For all their crowing about traditional values, it's the right that has embraced decadence, sadism, nihilism and corruption under the cover of religion. ...

... why does Congress and the Executive Branch have time to meet with lobbyists for Wall Street, but no time to meet with leading economists ...

"Lame" duck is not the anatomically accurate metaphor for what remains of George W. Bush's administration. Castrated is. ...

The enablement has had a terribly pernicious effect of insulating Congress from the furious reality of how angry Americans are with Bush and Washington, DC. We’re losing two wars (one a heinous stinking crime of incredible magnitude), drowning in debt, loathed by the rest of world community, horribly abuse our people with no health care, lousy wages and unemployment on a warming planet yet Congress gives away hundreds of billions to greedy liars without a hearing! ...

The most absurd practice in American political life is throwing ourselves into the arms of the very people who have caused our crises ...

In cultural and political terms, we get what we ask for, and what we deserve. We will get it in spades in the coming week, and in the years to come.

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