Monday, September 29, 2008

Poor widdle Thugs ...

  • The Thugs want a $700B giveaway, but their 'base' does not.
  • The Thugs manipulate the stupid Dem leadership into doing the Thug giveaway [instead of looking at reasonable options].
  • But the Thugs' goal is for the Dems to look like they own one of the most unpopular Congressional actions in decades and, as usual, the Dems cooperated with gusto.
  • But the Dems do insist that a 'reasonable' number of Thugs must come forward and vote for the giveaway [after all, they are the real ones who caused the mess and want to turn over all money to the filthy rich]
  • And the Thugs agree [away from the cameras, away from the photographers, probably in a public bathroom stall somewhere]
  • But when it comes to voting in daylight, in front of the cameras, the Thugs couldn't get enough of their own to fall on their own dull swords
  • Being the party of excuses, they of course blame everything on the Dems and on Pelosi in particular, who has been stupid enough to try to work with them time after time after time. Seems Nancy Pelosi hurt them with words. Hurt them so badly that they took their widdle hurt feelings and their promised votes and left the playground.

Poor, poor widdle cry babies.

I never knew Pelosi's words could be so powerful.

I'm sure they will be back asking for the Dems to give them more [all is just not enough for them] to make up for making them cry. Working with lunatics is a setup for disaster [as many of us have had repeatedly drilled into our brains the last seven plus years].

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