Monday, August 27, 2007

Life long punishment ...

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10. Comment by Jose C. (angus) — August 27,2007 @ 7:13AM
Rating: 0 Thumbs Up

I know that I will get TDs for this, but I am going to say it anyway. This country is very cruel to felons. Some felons deserve the treatment they are given, others do not. Right now in this city, there are efforts to make it so that felons will not be able to rent a place to live. In a lot of cases, that is just not fair. In some cases, it is.

A judge sentences a person to time in prison. The person does their time, gets out and still ends up being subject to a sentence of sorts. They cannot vote. They cannot rent. There are many things they cannot do. So tell me, how are they supposed to become productive members of society again?

... refers to this article: Felon-vote effort has high-level foe in Ariz. by Howard Fischer

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