Efforts to crack down on lead paint thwarted by China, Bush Administration
It's just that in the current Corporate and Republican view of the world money and power trumps all else. And the only purpose of Corporate and Republican power is to garner more power and more money for those same Republicans and Corporations. The first choice in making money is to take it with the least amount of effort from the least powerful (e.g. sub prime loans). Isn't it amazing how easily Christianity seems to be fitting into this model?
This take-all doctrine hasn't always been the preeminent mode of operation in this country. The American 'work ethic' really did exist and was still to be found a few decades ago.
Democrats have to stop answering Republican straw men and start projecting their vision for this country. Unless, of course, they don't have one. And they need to interpret and explain the Republican and Corporate plans for this country. Democrats must take on the Corporate and Republican control of the media.
There are really only a handful of elected officials who are really Democrats. Whether those campaigning as Democrats lie from the get-go or change after they are elected I don't know. But look at the Democrats and how they continue to enable the destruction of our country even after they are in the majority. The House, and specially the Senate, may not have enough of a majority to get their own programs passed, but they do have enough power, if they would use it, to control the budget and to start backing out some of the unconstitutional abominations the Republicans did to our laws. But they do not use their power. They blubber, bluster and they kneel down to an imbecile. They are little better than Republicans. They are NOT the Democrats they were elected to be.
I know that I will get TDs for this, but I am going to say it anyway. This country is very cruel to felons. Some felons deserve the treatment they are given, others do not. Right now in this city, there are efforts to make it so that felons will not be able to rent a place to live. In a lot of cases, that is just not fair. In some cases, it is.
A judge sentences a person to time in prison. The person does their time, gets out and still ends up being subject to a sentence of sorts. They cannot vote. They cannot rent. There are many things they cannot do. So tell me, how are they supposed to become productive members of society again?