Friday, June 1, 2007

To Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio a quarantined person is to be treated as the worst criminal ...

Like jailed inmates accused of crimes, Daniels is subjected to intrusive strip searches and he is unable to receive any visits from family and friends. He isn’t permitted to exercise or walk outside, and has no access to social or recreational activities like the Internet. He has been outside only once in the past nine months, and was shackled hand and foot. The lights in his cell are required to be kept on at night, and video cameras record his every move. He can’t see through the frosted windows in his room and wasn’t able to shower or call anyone until a few weeks ago.
Robert Daniels has incurable tuberculosis. Quarantine is necessary but treating him as a criminal is not.

Sheriff Arpaio is a throw back to Dickens' time as is much of the Republican Party.


Anonymous said...

He has to go through all that just because he has TB? thats crazy

Gail said...

They put him in jail instead of a hospital. I don't know why but the Sheriff's attitude is quite inhumane.