Thursday, February 21, 2008

Yesterday's QUOTES ...

I hope I’m just a cynical baby boomer who has never really trusted any politician since 1968. But I just have a very bad feeling about the way things are going. -- So do I, so do I!

In fact, I'm going to use this opportunity to point out that it is rather fitting that some of the leading lights of the "progressive" movement now have a lot more in common with Lieberman/DLC shill Dan Gerstein ... -- I've been responding to e-mails from 'progressive' organizations for days now with the comment that they sound like Republicans (among other things). Of course, being the new 'insiders' it's unlikely they read their mail.

And even more about torture in Bush's Torture Capital ... For the Europeans as for Bush, the organizing principle was that torture, being unacceptable to polite society, needed to remain invisible. ... -- While Bush and his cronies secretly make the US a 'Torture State' even after the evidence started to emerge too many in this country have been more that willing to either look the other way or to support torture.

--- No picture for this one and no quote either. ---

The Torture State

According to new research Monkeys have a brain region that responds selectively to the voices of other monkeys ...

Last Tuesday, CNN fired Chez Pazienza, a producer for American Morning, for maintaining a blog. Yes, that's right. CNN, a leading news channel, sacked one of its journalists for exercising his First Amendment rights. ... Just remember, Corporate America doesn't recognize your civil right unless forced to. They consider you a slave (they just don't use that particular word). Instead of laws ensuring your servitude they have 'contracts' which the US courts will use as an excuse to deny you any justice at all. US courts used to understand that US citizen should not be required to sign away their rights in exchange for a paycheck. But now the country is run by Republicans and pseudo Republicans and every one of us is fair game for corporate greed-heads.

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