Saturday, February 16, 2008

Jokes and other important matters ...

Avoidance by joke -
David Baltimore, the outgoing president of AAAS, spoke harsh words about the performance of banana-brain Bush and his enablers in Congress. I don't know if Baltimore has been as up-front about the crimes and disasters this country and others have been subject to at the hands of this worst of worst US administrations but whether these are his first words on this subject or just the latest of many they are important and deserve respect which is more than I can say for many in the US government. What really offended me was the cutesy, joke-like title to the article in the Science Magazine that reported on Baltimore's speech:
Tell Us What You Really Think, Professor Baltimore by Eli Kintisch
Right on, Prof. Baltimore. Bad show Science Mag and Eli Kintisch!

Other Serious Matters -
Paradox at The Left Coaster writes:
It’s hard to be happy the House works when the Senate is as busted as ever.
The House worked this time, but I wouldn't say the House 'works.' I fully expect them to come back and cave because that's what they've done time after time after time after time and on and on and on ...

Early on in Pelosi and Reid's majority status tenure I would send e-mails congratulating them (and others) on their stand on some issue or other only to find they had cravenly caved in to the ridiculous, illogical and perverse threats of a criminal and out-of-control administration almost before I hit the send button.

I don't believe them anymore. Both Reid and Pelosi have to go. I do not have confidence in them. And I don't know how they can gain my confidence at this point.

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