Tuesday, April 1, 2008

They tell me ...

Bush was likable too
... but I never really saw it. Beer-buddyship has never been a big selling point for me. Some people do seem to be instantly and superficially likable but don't necessarily stay that way on further acquaintance.

The 'liking' that I trust is the one that develops as knowledge of the person increases. I like Al Gore. I like John Edwards (almost as much as I like his wife). And I'm liking Hillary Clinton more and more as the campaign progresses.

I do not yet 'like' Barack Obama. Just as I didn't (and still don't) like George Bush. My very definite dislike of Bush is based on a mountain load of data. My lack of 'liking' of Barack Obama is due my inability to discern any substance behind the hype. This lack of concreteness appears to be the policy of his campaign emanating from his own style, I assume. It's rubbed of on his supporters or possibly he's attracted quite a crew that prefers to glom on to a Pied Piper rather that discuss issues, causes, policies, structure and philosophy. Additionally what I have been able to gather from Obama's speeches and interviews is that he's not very progressive. It amazes me that his supporters think that in Obama they would get a more liberal person than in Clinton, or do they really think so, or do they even care? Obama certainly isn't responsible for his campaign followers but he does seem to have a lot of bullies in his campaign, he appears to attract them and keep them happy. Another Bush characteristic?

It's possible, if Obama is nominated and then if Obama is elected and then if President Obama should govern rather than continue his Pied Pipership that I will begin to like his also. Hope so, anyway ...

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