Yesterday's graphic: Wall
And the previous graphic as well: Looking Up
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
'Our' government at work ...
Mustn't let anything get in the way of taking public money and resources and handing it over to the corporate mafia:
... 889 scientists had "personally experienced at least one instance of political interference in their work over the last 5 years." Some 394 of these scientists reported that their own findings had been misrepresented by EPA officials. In addition, 285 noted instances in which data had been selected or omitted to weaken a regulation, and 224 had been ordered to "inappropriately exclude or alter technical information from an EPA scientific document." Scientists who reported political interference tended to work in offices that write regulations rather than in basic research labs. Hundreds said they feared retaliation by officials if they voiced concerns about EPA regulations.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

Corporate Media,
George Bush,
Thursday, April 24, 2008
More about paintball guns on the Arizona border ...
Yesterday I linked to this post by the Border Reporter. A most informative comments has been posted about the subject:
Here are some practical arguments as to why I disagree with the US government spending $3 million bucks on a terrible idea.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Rep. Senator Lincoln Chafee meets the monster ...
at-Largely has an excerpt from Chafee's book describing a meeting between some Republican Senators and that monster who's called Cheney.
Former Republican Senator's "Chilling Account" of first meeting with Cheney...
Republican Corruption,
Paintball guns on the border? ...
Border Reporter writes:
Claiming that attacks against agents have increased to terrifying levels, the U.S. Border Patrol plans to arm its agents with paintball guns and shoot the got-aways who perpetrate the attacks.Wikipedia reference to paintball guns (markers) used by law enforcement:
Paintball markers have been used by law enforcement as antiriot weapons, in two modes:
- Loaded with pepper-spray projectiles: see Riot gun#Pepper Ball rounds.
- Loaded with paint projectiles to try to mark particular rioters so that police can easily identify and arrest them later.
Border Violence,
Illegal Entrants
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

Friday, April 18, 2008
And it's not just monthly ...
Testosterone and cortisol can take men on a behavioral roller coaster ride. In institutions like the stock exchanges this hormone induced behavior can be a daily occurrence:
A former Wall Street trader himself, Coates says the idea came to him during the dot-com boom, when traders "seemed to be on a drug, exhibiting manic behavior." When the bubble burst, he says, "they were really like people with a hangover."
Monday, April 14, 2008
Is the US becoming more and more repressive? ...
When Will We Ban Cigarettes? Reading The Tea Leaves
And corporate run slave-prisons will be the solution to the increasing number of US citizens deemed 'criminals' for the crime of getting caught breathing. Sounds like a best selling science fiction, or is that fantasy [so difficult to distinguish these days] novel.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The outcry was silence ...
The United States of America, the country I have been so proud of for most of my life, is now officially a lawless state that tortures people. The citizens of the United States of America have accepted a government guilty of the same war crimes for which it helped prosecute, imprison and execute Nazis and their collaborators and enablers. That the United States of America was a torture state has been increasingly apparent for some time. But now there is no more pretense. The president has openly admitted the involvement of his administration in implementing torture as policy. And the outcry ... was silence ...
More Bush Consequences,
United States
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

The press attacked Hill’ry with zest,
Disputing her facts.
But ’twas they who were lax.
Cuz if Clinton says east they say west.

Hiding the truth is in fact the surest way to take the country down, a basic fact of life most five-year-olds learn very well, but one our Republican and “journalism” brethren refuse to learn, no matter the sickening, outrageous scope of their behavior. ...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

Second rate candidates talk about issues.
First rate candidates talk about principles.

Apparently, Alabama is running toward the Soviet model with open arms and Mississippi is close on its heels, while the Congress has failed to demand something as basic as the temporary removal of these prosecutors while they investigate allegations of corruption against these three US Attorneys.
Monday, April 7, 2008
The US Business Model of Life and other absurdities ...
Yesterday I posted a quote from a conference where some are suggesting it was time to shift from product development to discovery research in the fight against AIDS.
Imagine a world where the main emphasis is on the next health related product that can be developed, preferably with the public's money but without the public's ownership, and where that health product will be legally protected so that the end business owners can sell it at inflated costs for years and years, often back to the same public's government organizations that initially invested in the development of the product. That's the world we live in ...
Today I read this post: Shareholder Wealth Maximization in Action
Imagine a world where the main emphasis is on the next health related product that can be developed, preferably with the public's money but without the public's ownership, and where that health product will be legally protected so that the end business owners can sell it at inflated costs for years and years, often back to the same public's government organizations that initially invested in the development of the product. That's the world we live in ...
Today I read this post: Shareholder Wealth Maximization in Action
Thus, Walgreen CEO Jeffrey Rein, speaking to shareholders, said “If attendees of the meeting needed to cough, he joked, they should leave the room and ‘go to a movie theater or on a bus’ to spread their germs. ‘We’re really hoping for a very strong flu season’.” While P&G CEO A.G. Lafley said on a quarterly analyst call: “Unfortunately, people have not been getting sick at a rate that we would all like yet.” Finally, LifePoint Hospitals CFO David Dill mused that "You have a strong flu season, and the ancillary business is very profitable . . . On the pediatric side, young kids coming into the hospital, that’s a nice margin for us, as well.”Truths presented as humor. When people get the flu Walgreens and other corporations make more money selling flu related products. Walgreens' job is definitely not to serve the public. Walgreens' job is making money. The purpose of Walgreens' management is to make the maximum profit which in turn increases the investment value for it's shareholder (joke) so the job of Walgreens' management is to ensure there are an increasing number of people with the flu. Or Walgreens could just change to manufacturing weapons, start another war and kill people directly. That would work just as well and, well, it appears to be the American way. Abortion, no. Genocide, yes. The word is VALUES. Keep repeating a few key words and the whole world, well, at least the US will fall into line ...
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Is Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio surrounded yet? ...
A mayor of a small town in Arizona tells Sheriff Joe to get out of town:
Bravo Mayor Jimenez!
Last night was a night of high drama as Sheriff Joe brought his illegal immigrant dragnet to the small town of Guadalupe, and the citizens and the mayor of that city demanded Joe leave. Last night around 10:30, Guadalupe Mayor Rebecca Jimenez personally presented Joe a statement to this effect in the parking lot of the Family Dollar where the MCSO was stationed. According to Jimenez, Joe accused her of inciting a riot and informed her she had 90 days to cancel Guadalupe's contract with the MCSO to provide law enforcement to the town. Jimenez and other town council members present said they would be reviewing the MCSO's contract.This is a brave thing for a small town mayor to do given the increasingly gestapo tactics in use in the US (by police, sheriffs, Federal Agents and specially Federal Prosecutors) in the Age of Bush.
Bravo Mayor Jimenez!
Sheriff Joe Arpaio,
US Attorneys
I wish I had the words ...
The following is a quote from this article -- AIDS RESEARCH: Review of Vaccine Failure Prompts a Return to Basics by Jocelyn Kaiser
"Fauci said he agrees that NIAID needs to "torque" the $476 million AIDS vaccine extramural portfolio, to shift away from product development and toward "discovery research.""Another failure for the 'business model' of life?
Public Health and Welfare,
Worry Wort explains why he thinks Obama has a better chance against McCain ...
Finally, an Obama 'argument' I can understand.
Of Events, Issues, and Principles
Why does a writer write ...
Is this article
Whatever. I wasn't aware there was such a view about 'obsessions of ancient peoples.' Could the writer of what I initially understood to be a science article have been practicing her modern day journalism skills? You know those highly tuned skills where the writer/reporter uses spurious quotes to inject unsubstantiated 'facts' into their latest propaganda pieces?
How Aztecs Did the Math by Constance Holden, Science NOW Daily News, 3 April 2008about "how the Aztecs did math" or about telling the reader that "a geographer and a mathematician have zeroed in on just what methods Aztec surveyors used" or to let us know that the Aztecs numbering system was "a vigesimal system (using 20 as its base) as opposed to our decimal system" or about how there's "a view that ancient peoples were obsessed with religion and that science and knowledge were all directed at religious ends."
Whatever. I wasn't aware there was such a view about 'obsessions of ancient peoples.' Could the writer of what I initially understood to be a science article have been practicing her modern day journalism skills? You know those highly tuned skills where the writer/reporter uses spurious quotes to inject unsubstantiated 'facts' into their latest propaganda pieces?
Yesterday's QUOTES ...

Of course they did. We'd have to be complete idiots to think otherwise.

Unfortunately for Cavalier McCain, the prodigal son, --- he's one of them.

Martin Luther King,
More Bush Consequences,
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
They tell me ...
Bush was likable too... but I never really saw it. Beer-buddyship has never been a big selling point for me. Some people do seem to be instantly and superficially likable but don't necessarily stay that way on further acquaintance.
The 'liking' that I trust is the one that develops as knowledge of the person increases. I like Al Gore. I like John Edwards (almost as much as I like his wife). And I'm liking Hillary Clinton more and more as the campaign progresses.
I do not yet 'like' Barack Obama. Just as I didn't (and still don't) like George Bush. My very definite dislike of Bush is based on a mountain load of data. My lack of 'liking' of Barack Obama is due my inability to discern any substance behind the hype. This lack of concreteness appears to be the policy of his campaign emanating from his own style, I assume. It's rubbed of on his supporters or possibly he's attracted quite a crew that prefers to glom on to a Pied Piper rather that discuss issues, causes, policies, structure and philosophy. Additionally what I have been able to gather from Obama's speeches and interviews is that he's not very progressive. It amazes me that his supporters think that in Obama they would get a more liberal person than in Clinton, or do they really think so, or do they even care? Obama certainly isn't responsible for his campaign followers but he does seem to have a lot of bullies in his campaign, he appears to attract them and keep them happy. Another Bush characteristic?
It's possible, if Obama is nominated and then if Obama is elected and then if President Obama should govern rather than continue his Pied Pipership that I will begin to like his also. Hope so, anyway ...
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