And I suppose that it may be true that this was the best Nancy Pelosi could get. But I just can’t bring myself to celebrate.

Staffers use computers to quickly sift through 475 patient-assistance programs to find possible matches for patients, who answer about a dozen questions, including age and income.What these people get is a match up of 'eligibility criteria.' Hallelujah!
A study at Michigan State University shows that rising divorce rates have a negative impact on the environment due to increased levels of energy and utility consumption.If divorce does cause increased energy consumption then marriage (which is still very popular I understand) reduces energy consumption. Cohabitation (also quite popular) would also reduce energy consumption.
Credit: NSF/Clear Channel Communications/Karson Productions
Please note that I have no quarrel with Janet Napolitano. I doubt, even if she was so inclined, that she could change the 'growth' mentality in the state of Arizona and she is probably a better manager than any Republican we have in the state. Still I am very sad about where Arizona is taking itself. It's a beautiful state but will not be so in a few decades if the signs are correct.Managing explosive growth will be one of the most important chapters in the "Story of Arizona," Governor Janet Napolitano told us in her State of the State Address on Monday.
In anticipation of the doubling of our state's population in the next few decades, we have made enormous strides in the past five years, the Governor said.
"We've added 652 new lane miles of freeway, and secured hundreds of millions more dollars for transportation projects. We've implemented a forest health strategy, created our first-ever statewide drought and water conservation plan, and worked to prevent wildfires. We passed the most significant air-quality legislation in a decade. And just last month, we signed an historic agreement among the Basin States to manage Colorado River water."
Growth will continue to challenge us all, and the Governor proposed strategic initiatives to protect our resources while building the critical infrastructure to eliminate the "time tax." She said we should:Invest in rail transit, including a Tucson-to-Phoenix line; Build on our water conservation efforts; Send voters a statewide transportation plan to approve in 2008 or 2009; Send voters a plan for state trust land reform to approve in 2008; Enact an energy and climate change bill that would move Arizona's conservation efforts forward in the following ways:
- Require utilities to get 15 percent of their power from renewable sources;
- Require that 10 percent of fuel sold in Arizona is low in carbon emissions;
- Implement statewide energy conservation standards for new construction, replacing the patchwork of local rules that exists now;
- Implement new energy efficiency standards for appliances and new standards to reduce emissions of diesel exhaust.
Growth creates opportunities, and as we grow together, we must work to grow smart at every level of government. Please voice your support for the Governor's growth proposals by writing a letter to the editor, or by writing to your state legislators to ask them for their support, too.
For more information about Governor Napolitano's State of the State Address, or a copy of the speech, please visit www.azgovernor.gov
Obama: Reagan Changed Direction Of Country In Way Bill Clinton Didn't by Greg SargentPresident Clinton was a competent President. Reagan was a disaster. We have to break this mold that suggests that in order to be elected Democrats must to sound like Republicans. President Clinton went to close to that divide and Obama is carrying it even further.
Leading The Village By Their Collective Snouts by tristero
The bottom line is that it is not acceptable to falsely accuse patriotic Americans who have fought very hard for minorities and African-Americans through their lives, of being racists. Moreover, when prominent people make false charges of racism, they severely undermine the civil rights movement and those who are fighting to reverse racism in American society.Unlike Eriposte I am NOT convinced that Sen. Obama is NOT
a ... bigot, somewhat racist and someone who likes to repeatedly and falsely smear other people as being racists.Obama is using Republican character assassination tactics within the Democratic Party. He's taking some of Hilary's strengths and twisting and lying in such a way to make the opposite seem the case. And he does not hold his people accountable for their actions and statements (where have we seen this management style before?).
The river that raised a mountain
... a terrifyingly common crime in Latin America has moved across the border into the United States: Criminals and their family members are being kidnapped by fellow criminals and held for six-figure ransoms.It's not that we in the US don't deserve to share some of the problems we have caused in other countries. It's that none of these problems had to happen at all.
[For Arizona-Mexico border reporting read the Border Reporter]
Taser International's newest weapons for the public will come in leopard print and fit in a holster with an embedded MP3 player ...I am not adverse to ordinary citizens owning Tasers.
The 61 hikers were transported by helicopter after water covered multiple bridges in [Sabino] canyon, making them unsafe to cross ...In Arizona 'surprise' flooding is common. Rain 'uphill' can, and does, flood completely dry areas 'downhill.' Just because you haven't seen anything like rain doesn't mean that that bone dry river bed won't have a wall o' water coming down it the next time you look.
Katrina victims' claims reflect sky-high hopes, USA TODAYA one sided article attributing much greed to Katrina survivors. Wonder how greedy all those people BushCo stored in poisoned trailers are? The one's that aren't too sick to function, that is.