Monday, July 28, 2008

Matthew Yglesias doesn't use the word farce ...

Though Yglesias doesn't use the word farce in this post (Process in 2009), farce must be what he's thinking when he reviews the workings of the Senate and Harry Reid.

We can blame this GOPer auditioning for his place in Hell, Senator Tom Coburn, all we want for his obstructionism.

But really ... Harry Reid 'honors' Coburn's legislative holds. Harry Reid did not 'honor' Democratic Senator Chris Dodd's hold. So really, the problem is STILL Harry Reid. Reid gets to choose whether to 'honor' a hold or not.

This game Harry Reid is playing is a destructive farce that works for the GOP. With Harry Reid around the Republicans control the Senate whether they have a majority or not.

It's way past time to fire Harry Reid, a joke of a Democrat.

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